Allahumma Maalik Al Mulk – Surah Al-Imran Translation & Benefits

Allahumma Maalik Al Mulk - Surah Al-Imran Translation & Benefits

The Dua “Allahumma Maalik Al Mulk” (Surah Al-Imran, 3:26-27) is a powerful supplication that emphasizes Allah’s absolute sovereignty over all things. In these verses, Allah is acknowledged as the ultimate possessor of authority and power, capable of granting or taking away leadership, wealth, and honor according to His will.

Quranic Verses on Allahumma Maalik Al Mulk – Surah Al-Imran

Arabic TextTransliterationTranslation
قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَـٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ ۖ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌۭ.Qulil laahumma Maalikal Mulki tu’til mulka man tashaaa’u wa tanzi’ul mulka mimman tashaaa’u wa tu’izzu man tashaaa’u wa tuzillu man tashaaa’u biyadikal khairu innaka ‘alaa kulli shai’in Qadeer.“You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night, and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give provision to whom You will without account.”
تُولِجُ ٱلَّيْلَ فِى ٱلنَّهَارِ وَتُولِجُ ٱلنَّهَارَ فِى ٱلَّيْلِ ۖ وَتُخْرِجُ ٱلْحَىَّ مِنَ ٱلْمَيِّتِ وَتُخْرِجُ ٱلْمَيِّتَ مِنَ ٱلْحَىِّ ۖ وَتَرْزُقُ مَن تَشَآءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍۢ.Toolijul laila fin nahaari wa toolijun nahaara fil laili wa tukhrijul haiya minal maiyiti wa tukhrijul maiyita minal haiyi wa tarzuqu man tashaaa’u bighari hisaab.“You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give provision to whom You will without account.”

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The Dua “Allahumma Maalik Al Mulk” (Surah Al-Imran, 3:26-27) was revealed to remind believers that Allah has complete control over everything. He alone gives power, honor, and leadership, and He can take them away as He wills. The main reason for this revelation was to highlight Allah’s absolute authority over all people and nations, especially after the Prophethood was transferred from the Children of Israel to Prophet Muhammad.

Imam Ibn Kathir explains that these verses show how Allah honored Prophet Muhammad with a special position and blessings. This was a message to the Muslims of that time, and for all of us, to trust Allah, be thankful for His blessings, and rely on Him for everything, knowing that only He can raise or lower people according to His plan. The Dua encourages humility and gratitude, reminding us that all power belongs to Allah alone.

Benefits of reciting the dua “Allahumma Maalik Al Mulk”:

1. Feel Safe in Allah’s Control: This Dua reminds us that Allah controls everything. It gives a deep sense of security knowing that He is in charge of all our life’s ups and downs, and nothing happens without His permission.

2. Strengthens Your Trust: Saying this dua helps you rely on Allah more. It teaches you to let go of worries and trust that He knows what’s best for you, no matter the situation.

3. Makes You Grateful and Humble: When you recite this dua, you remember that everything you have—your success, wealth, and position—are blessings from Allah. It fills your heart with gratitude and keeps you humble.

4. Keeps You Focused on the Hereafter: This dua reminds you of the Day of Judgment when only Allah’s power will matter. It helps you stay aware of your actions, knowing that one day you will stand before Him.

5. Motivates You to Aim for Paradise: Thinking of Allah’s Kingdom, especially the beauty of Paradise, gives you hope and motivation to work towards it, keeping your heart focused on what truly matters.

6. Helps You Be Fair and Just: This dua reminds you that you have responsibilities in this life, whether it’s towards your family or others. It encourages you to be fair, kind, and just, knowing that Allah is watching and will hold you accountable.

Significance of “Maalik Al Mulk”

Absolute Sovereignty: The name “Maalik” translates to “Owner” or “Sovereign,” while “Al Mulk” means “The Kingdom” or “Sovereignty.” Together, “Maalik Al Mulk” signifies Allah’s absolute control over all creation, emphasizing that all authority and power belong to Him alone. This name reminds believers of their dependence on Allah and the transient nature of worldly power and wealth.

Divine Will: The verses highlight that Allah grants or removes sovereignty according to His wisdom and will. This indicates that leadership and authority are not permanent and can change as per divine decree, encouraging humility among those in positions of power.

Prayer for Guidance and Assistance: By invoking this Dua, believers are reminded to seek Allah’s guidance and assistance in their lives. It is a supplication that reinforces the understanding that Allah is the ultimate provider and caretaker, granting provisions without account.

Authenticity and Usage

  • Hadith Reference: The significance of reciting this supplication is mentioned by various Hadiths. For example, in the collection of Al-Bukhari and Muslims, it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught the importance of this dua, particularly in times of need or distress.
  • Context of Use: This dua can be recited at any time, but it is especially beneficial to recite it during moments of supplication after the obligatory prayers, during Ramadan, or when seeking Allah’s guidance in making important decisions.

About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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