Allahumma Ya Farijal Hammi – Dua for Distress and Grief

Allahumma Ya Farijal Hammi – Dua for Distress and Grief

When we face difficult times filled with worry and sadness, turning to Allah for help can bring us comfort. One such powerful prayer is “Allahumma Ya Farijal Hammi”, a dua that asks Allah to relieve our distress and grief

Allahumma Ya Farijal Hammi – Dua

Dua in ArabicTransliterationTranslation
اللّٰهُمَّ فارِجَ الهَمِّ كاشِفَ الغَمِّ مُجِيْبَ دَعْوَةِ المُضْطَرِّين، رَحْمٰنَ الدنيا وَالآخِرَة ورَحيمَهُما، اِرْحَمْنِي اليَومَ رَحْمَةً وَاسعَةً تُغْنِيْنِيْ بِها عَنْ رَحْمَةِ مَنْ سِوَاكْAllahumma Farijal hammi Kashifal ghammi Mujeeba da’watil Mudtarreen, Rahmaanad Dunya wal Akhirati wa Raheemahuma irhamnil yawma Rahmatan wasi’atan tughni nee biha ‘ar Rahmati man siwak.O Allah, the Reliever of distress, the Remover of grief, the One who responds to the call of the needy, the Most Merciful of this world and the Hereafter, have mercy on me today with a mercy so vast that it suffices me and protects me from the mercy of anyone but You.

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Explanation of Allahumma Ya Farijal Hammi

This Dua is a heartfelt expression of trust in Allah’s infinite mercy and compassion. When you say, “O Allah, Who relieves worry and distress, Who answers the call of the desperate, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful in this world and the hereafter,” you are recognizing that Allah alone has the power to ease your troubles and respond to your needs, both now and in the afterlife.

By asking Allah for mercy, you acknowledge that only He can provide true relief. You are expressing complete dependence on Him for comfort, seeking His help so deeply that you don’t need anyone else’s mercy.

This Dua reflects humility and submission to Allah, highlighting His supreme power and kindness. It serves as a reminder of our reliance on Allah’s mercy, trust in His ability to ease our hardships, and hope for peace in our lives. Through this prayer, you seek connection with Allah, asking for His divine intervention and endless compassion.

Benefits of reciting this Dua:

Remove your worries and sadness.

Answer your prayers, especially when you’re in desperate need.

Shower you with His mercy, both in this life and hereafter.

Give you such abundant mercy that you won’t need help from anyone else but Him.

Hadith About this Dua

The supplication “Allahumma ya Farijal Hammi wa ya Kashifal Ghammi” does not have a strong chain of narration, meaning it is considered weak in terms of its authenticity. Scholars have categorized it as a fabricated report, found in books that discuss unreliable narrations, such as Tadhkirat al-Mawdoo‘aat and Tanzeeh ash-Sharee‘ah.

However, it is still acceptable to say these words in your personal supplications, as they express humility and a desire to get closer to Allah. The meanings are good and align with Islamic teachings about Allah’s mercy and power, which are found in the Qur’an and authentic Hadiths.

Saying these words with the understanding that they are not specifically from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) does not take away from their value, and there is hope that Allah will accept them.

It is important to note that while general supplications like this are fine to use, supplications directly from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are preferred because they are proven, more powerful, and simpler in nature.

About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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