Dua for Hajj and Umrah PDF

Dua for Hajj and Umrah PDF

Read Dua’s for Hajj and umrah , Download Dua for Hajj and Umrah PDF, and also explore Best Places to Make Dua During Hajj and Umrah

Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

“Whoever performs Hajj and does not commit any obscenity or transgression shall return (free from sins) as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him” (Sahih al -Bukhari 1521).

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

“Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah; and the reward of Hajj Mabrur (i.e., one accepted) is nothing but Paradise” (Sahih) al-Bukhari 1773).

Dua for Hajj and Umrah PDF

Dua for Hajj and Umrah PDF
Dua for Hajj and Umrah PDF

List of Duas for Hajj and umrah

Here are some important duas for hajj and umrah

Dua for Traveling:

Arabic: “Arabic: “بِسْمِ اللَّهِ، تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى اللَّهِ، وَلَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ.”
Translation: “In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no power nor strength except with Allah.”
Transliteration: “Bismillah, tawakkaltu ‘alallah, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illah.”

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Dua when Boarding a Vehicle:

Arabic: “بِسْمِ اللَّهِ”,”وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ.”
Translation: “In the name of Allah, and all praise is due to Allah.”
Transliteration: “Bismillah, walhamdulillah.”

Talbiyah Dua (Intention to start worship) for Hajj or Umrah:

Arabic: لِبّيْكُ اللَّهُمَّ لُبَّيْك></ لُبَّيْكَ لُا شُرِيکُ لُكُ لُبَّيْک‎, إِنَّ الْحُمْدُ وَالنِّعْمُتُ لُکـ والـمُلْک‎.
Translation: “Here I am, O Allah, here I am, here I am. You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty. You have no partner.”
Transliteration: “Labbayka Allāhumma labbayk. Labbayk lā shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-ḥamda, wa n-‘imata, laka wal mulk. Lā shareeka lak.”

Duas for Tawaf:

Arabic: بِسْمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهُ عَكْبُرُ وَلِلَّهِ الْحَمْدُ
Translation: “I begin with the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest, and all Praise is to Allah.”
Transliteration: “Bismillahi Allaahu akbar wa lillahil hamd.”

This supplication is recited at the beginning of Tawaf, starting from Hajr-e-Aswad (the black stone), as an expression of devotion and praise to Allah.

Dua when Drinking Zamzam:

Arabic: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي عِسْعَلُكَ عِلْمًا نَافِعًا”,” وَرِзْقًا تَيِّبًا”,” وُعُمَلًا مُتَقُبّلًا
Translation: “O Allah! I ask you for beneficial knowledge, and pure sustenance, and accepted actions.”
Transliteration: “Allāhumma innī as’aluka ‘ilman nāfi’an wa rizqan ṭayyiban wa ‘amalan mutaqabbalan”

Dua during Arafah:

Arabic: لَا إِلْهُ وَحْدِهُ لَا شَرِيکُ لَهُ لَهُ الْمُلْکُ وَلْهُ الْحَمْدُ بِيْدِهِ الْهُيْرُ يُحْيِ وَهُوَ عَلِيّ سِلِيْ سُرِيّ عربي يرٌ
Translation: “There is no God but Allah alone, with no partner or associate, His is the dominion, to Him all praise is due, all goodness is in His hand, He grants life and death and He has power overall things.”
Transliteration: “Lā ilāha illa l-lāhu waḣdahū lā sharīka lāhū lahu l-mulku wa lahu l-ḣamdu wa huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr”

Du’a when Greeting other Pilgrims:

Arabic: قِبِلُ اللهُ حُجَّكُ وُكَفَّرُ ترُنْبُكُ وُارُلُفُ نُفُقُتُک‎
Translation: “May Allah accept your Hajj, and erase your sins, and replenish your provisions.”
Transliteration: “Qabila l-lāhu ḣajjaka wa kaffara dhambaka wa akhlafa namatābāla”

Recitation for Hajj Days:

Arabic:سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ
Translation: “Glory be to Allah and praise Him.”
Transliteration: “SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi.”
Reciting “SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi” one hundred times a day during the days of Hajj carries immense spiritual significance and serves as a means of seeking forgiveness and purification from sins.

Best Places to Make Dua During Hajj and Umrah

 During Hajj and Umrah, there are specific sacred places where the acceptance of dua (supplication) is highly emphasized. Let’s explore these Best Places to Make Dua During Hajj and Umrah

  1. Inside the Kabba: Although not accessible to everyone, being inside the Kabba is the most sacred place for making dua.
  2. Mataf: The area around the Kabba where Tawaf is performed, enveloped in Allah’s blessings and best places to make dua during Hajj and umrah
  3. Mizab e Rehmat: The pipeline on the Kabba’s roof, where pilgrims seek blessings during rainfall.
  4. Multazim: A spot for seeking forgiveness and confessing sins near the Kabba.
  5. Hateem: Considered part of the Kabba, Those who pray two Rakaat Salah in Hateem are considered as if they offered Salah inside the divine Kabba.
  6. Maqam Ibrahim: The stone platform where Prophet Abraham stood, symbolizing faith and dedication.
  7. Hijr Ismail: The burial site of Hajira and Ismail, a place for reflection and prayer.
  8. Mountain of Mercy: Where Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) delivered his farewell sermon, a site of divine mercy and blessings.
  9. Plain of Arafat: Where pilgrims stand in collective prayer during Hajj, seeking forgiveness and mercy.
  10. Well of Zamzam: A source of blessed water near the Kabba, where prayers for healing and guidance are offered.
  11. Masjid e Nabvi: The resting place of Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) in Madinah, where prayers are readily accepted.

About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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