Dua for Pious Children in Arabic and English Meaning

Dua for Pious Children in Arabic and English

Dua for Pious Children is vital for parents seeking to raise righteous and spiritually grounded children. These prayers seek Allah’s guidance and help instill faith, character, and moral values, laying a strong foundation for a life of integrity and devotion.

Dua for Pious Children in Arabic and English
Dua for Pious Children in Arabic and English

Dua for Pious Children: Essential Prayers and Benefits

Dua to Conceive Pious Children

1. رَبِّ هَبْ لِى مِنَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ

Rabbi habli minas saaliheen

“My Lord, grant me [a child] from among the righteous.”

(Surah As-Saffat, 37:100)

2. رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِن لَّدُنكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً

Rabbi hab lee mil ladunka d’urriyyatan t’ayyibah innaka samee-u’d du-a’aa

“My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication.”

(Surah Imran, 3:38)

3. رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ

Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yun waj’alna lil muttaqina imama

“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”

(Surah Al-Furqan, 25:74)

4. رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ

Rabbi auzi’ni an ashkura ni’matakal-lati an’amta ‘alayya wa ’alaa waalidayya wa an a’mala solihan tardhahu wa aslih lii fii zurriyyati inni tubtu ilaika wa inni minal-muslimin

“My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and to work righteousness of which You will approve and make righteous for me my offspring. Indeed, I have repented to You, and indeed, I am of the Muslims.”

(Surah Al-Ahqaf, 46:15)

Dua for Pious Children in Arabic and English

أُعِيذُكُمَا بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ

U’izukuma bikalimatil-lahit-tammati min kulli shaytanin wa hammah, wa min kulli ’ainin lammah

“I seek protection for you in the Perfect Words of Allah from every devil and every beast, and from every envious blameworthy eye.”

(Jami’ At-Tirmidhi)

Benefits of Reciting These Duas

1. Righteous Offspring: These duas ask for pious, morally upright children who will follow the path of righteousness.

2. Peaceful Family Life: They seek joy, comfort, and peace within the family, strengthening the bond between spouses and children.

3. Leadership in Piety: The duas request that both the parents and children become examples of righteousness and piety in their community.

4. Gratitude to Allah: They encourage gratitude for Allah’s blessings, especially for family and children.

5. Spiritual and Physical Protection: They provide comprehensive protection for children from spiritual harm (evil eye, devils) and physical harm.

6. Trust in Allah: Reciting these duas strengthens one’s faith in Allah’s power to grant righteous children and protect them.

7. Continuous Reward: Righteous children who pray for their parents bring continuous rewards even after their parents’ death.

8. Harmonious Relationships: The duas foster love, understanding, and respect between family members, leading to a harmonious household.

9. Repentance and Spiritual Growth: They help seek forgiveness from Allah and promote continuous spiritual growth for parents and children.

10. Safe Environment: Regular recitation ensures a safe and positive environment for children to grow, free from envy, jealousy, and spiritual harm

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About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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