Is Organ Donation Halal or Haram in Islam? Islamic View, Fatwas, and Guidelines

Is Organ Donation Halal or Haram in Islam? Islamic View, Fatwas, and Guidelines

Have you ever wondered if donating an organ to save a life is permissible in Islam? The question Is Organ Donation Halal or Haram in Islam? often arises among Muslims seeking guidance on this critical issue.

Organ donation, whether giving or receiving, holds significant importance in medical and ethical discussions. In Islam, the act of saving a life is one of the highest virtues, as highlighted in the Quran: “Whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity” (Quran 5:32). This introduction sets the stage to explore what Islamic scholars and Fatwas on Organ Donation say about Halal or Haram of this topic

Is Organ Donation Halal or Haram in Islam? – Conditions

1. Donation Must Not Cause Harm to the Donor

  • Islam forbids self-harm. Organ donation is not permissible if it severely endangers the donor’s health or life.

2. Consent is Essential

  • Donor or family consent is mandatory.
  • Taking organs without permission violates Islamic principles of justice and respect for personal rights.

3. Commercial Sale is Strictly Forbidden

  • Islam prohibits the sale of organs for profit.
  • Organ donation should solely serve the purpose of saving or improving lives, not financial gain.

4. Post-Mortem Donations with Conditions

  • Post-mortem organ donation is allowed if:
    • There is explicit prior consent from the donor or their family.
    • The process respects the dignity and sanctity of the deceased.

Prohibited Scenarios

  • Removing organs to harm a living person deliberately.
  • Using donated organs for unethical or unlawful purposes.

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Fatwas on Organ Donation of Islamic Scholars

Saudi Arabia: The Grand Mufti issued a fatwa allowing organ donation, provided the conditions of consent and benefit are met.

Egypt: Al-Azhar scholars have also issued rulings supporting organ donation in specific cases.

UK Islamic Scholars: The UK-based Muslim Law (Shariah) Council has endorsed organ donation to save lives.

Scholarly Opinions

Many Islamic scholars from reputable institutions agree that organ donation is permissible as long as:

It serves a life-saving purpose.

The donor or their family consents.

The donation respects Islamic guidelines on dignity and harm prevention.

What Does the Quran Say About Organ Donation Halal or Haram?

The Quran says, “Whoever saves a life, it is as if he has saved all of humanity” (Quran 5:32). This shows how important it is to help others when you can.

Islamic views on organ donation focus on the importance of saving lives. The idea of necessity (al-darurat tubih al-mahzurat) allows organ donation even though, generally, it is not allowed to harm or violate the human body.

Is Organ Donation Considered Sadaqah Jariyah (Ongoing Charity)?

  • Many scholars classify organ donation as Sadaqah Jariyah because its benefits extend beyond the donor’s death, contributing to saving and improving lives.

Intent is Key in Organ Donation

  • In Islam, actions are judged by intentions (niyyah).
  • If the intention behind organ donation is to save lives and comply with Islamic ethics, it is considered a virtuous act.

Halal (Permitted) Aspects of Organ Donation in Islam

Most Islamic scholars agree that organ donation can be halal (permissible) in certain situations. The main reasons they give are:

1. Saving Lives: If someone needs an organ to live, giving that organ can be seen as a good deed. Islam encourages saving lives whenever possible.

2. Necessity Overrules Prohibition: Normally, it is not allowed to cut or harm the human body, whether alive or dead. However, in cases of necessity (like saving a life), this rule can be relaxed. This is based on the principle al-darurat tubih al-mahzurat (necessities overrule prohibitions).

Many respected Islamic institutions, such as the Fiqh Academy in Makkah, scholars from Al-Azhar in Egypt, and the Grand Ulama Council of Saudi Arabia, have allowed organ donation under strict conditions.


While there are varying opinions among scholars, the majority agree that organ donation is permissible under Islamic law if it is done ethically, with consent, and solely to save or improve lives. Muslims are encouraged to consult knowledgeable scholars or local fatwas if they have specific concerns. Advisory: Muslims should seek guidance from trusted scholars or local fatwas if they have concerns.


Is Selling Organs Allowed in Islam?

Selling organs is strictly prohibited in Islam. This is due to:

  1. Human Dignity: The body is a trust from Allah and should not be exploited for profit.
  2. Prevention of Harm: Selling organs can lead to exploitation and harm.
  3. Charity, Not Profit: Organ donation should be voluntary and charitable, not for financial gain.

What Do Islamic Scholars Say About Organ Donation?

Islamic scholars generally permit organ donation when it is done to save lives and under specific conditions. These include:

  1. Saving Lives: The Quran emphasizes saving lives (Quran 5:32), making organ donation permissible if it benefits others.
  2. Consent: Voluntary consent from the donor or their family is required.
  3. Non-Harmful: Donations must not harm the donor’s health.
  4. Post-Mortem Donations: Allowed with prior consent from the donor or family, and must be conducted respectfully.
  5. Sadaqah Jariyah: Some scholars consider organ donation an act of ongoing charity, as it continues to benefit others after death.

About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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