Surah Waqiah PDF with Meaning English Transliteration

Surah Waqiah PDF with Meaning English Transliteration

Surah Waqiah is the 56th chapter of the Quran and was revealed in Makkah. It was revealed seven years before the Hijrah, and it has 96 verses. This Surah is found in the 27th part (Juz) of the Quran. The word “Waqiah” means “the event,” referring to the Day of Judgment.

Download Surah Waqiah PDF with Meaning English Transliteration

Surah Waqiah Revelation

Surah Waqiah was revealed during the Makkan period, a time when the message of Islam was being spread and the believers faced hardships. This Surah reminds people about life after death and the consequences of their actions in the Hereafter.

Surah Waqiah Simplified Explanation

(Verses 1-6)

The Certainty of the Day of Judgment:

Surah Waqiah starts by confirming that the Day of Judgment is inevitable and will certainly happen. This day is called “Al-Waqiah,” meaning “The Great Event” that no one can avoid. On that day, the earth will shake violently, mountains will crumble to dust, and everything will change completely.

(Verses 7-10)

Three Groups of People:

On the Day of Judgment, all people will be divided into three main groups:

The Foremost (As-Sabiqoon):

These are the people who were quick to do good deeds in their life. They are the most righteous and closest to Allah. They will be given special rewards because of their efforts in worship and obedience.

The People of the Right (Ashab-ul-Yameen):

These are the believers who did good deeds but not at the level of the Foremost. They will still be rewarded with Paradise for their faith and actions.

The People of the Left (Ashab-ul-Shimaal):

These are the people who disbelieved and committed sins. Their actions will lead them to the punishment of Hell.

(Verses 11-26)

The Rewards for the Foremost:

The Foremost is described as the closest to Allah in Paradise. They will have the most beautiful rewards:

• They will live in gardens of delight.

• They will sit on thrones of luxury with companions who are pure and beautiful.

• They will enjoy the best food and drink, including fresh fruits and rivers of pure drinks.

• Their companionship will be with people like themselves—those who excelled in good deeds.

This group will include a mix of people from earlier generations (those closest to the prophets) and later generations.

(Verses 27-40)

The Rewards for the People of the Right:

The People of the Right will also enter Paradise, but their rewards, while beautiful, are slightly different from the Foremost:

• They will live in gardens full of shade, large trees, and fruits.

• They will have comfortable resting places and be surrounded by peace.

• They will eat from the fruits of their choice and drink from rivers of water, milk, honey, and wine (not intoxicating like in this world).

• They will have companions and enjoy the blessings Allah provides in Paradise.

This reward is for those who did good deeds, believed in Allah, and lived according to His guidance.

(Verses 41-56)

The Punishment for the People of the Left:

The fate of the People of the Left is very different:

• They will be in burning winds and boiling water, suffering from intense heat.

• They will be forced to eat from the tree of Zaqqum, a bitter, thorny plant that will not satisfy hunger but will add to their misery.

• Their punishment is the result of their disbelief in Allah and their denial of the Day of Judgment. They used to enjoy this world, but they neglected the Hereafter.

(Verses 57-74)

Reflection on Allah’s Power and Creation:

In these verses, Allah asks us to think deeply about His power and the world around us:

• Creation of life and death: Allah reminds us that He created us and will take our lives when it is time. He can replace us with other people if He wishes.

• Crops and food: Allah gives us an example of how He makes plants grow. He provides rain, which helps crops grow. He asks, “Do you control how plants grow, or is it Allah?” This reminds us that everything we have comes from Him.

• Water: Allah reminds us that He provides clean water for us to drink. If He made it salty, no one could change it. This shows His control over nature.

• Fire: Allah created fire, and we use it for cooking and warmth. Even something as simple as fire is a gift from Allah. He can take it away whenever He wants.

(Verses 75-96)

The Truth of the Quran and Allah’s Power:

These final verses emphasize that the Quran is the truth, and it should be respected. It is Allah’s word, and no one can bring a book like it. People are reminded that when they die, their souls will return to Allah, and their fate will be decided based on their actions.

• For those who were close to Allah (the Foremost), they will receive eternal happiness and peace.

• For those who were righteous (the People of the Right), will enjoy the blessings of Paradise.

• For those who deny the truth (the People of the Left), they will face a painful punishment in Hell.

Surah Waqiah – Mishary Rashed Alafasy

Benefits and Importance of Surah Waqiah

Protection from Poverty:

One of the well-known benefits of reciting Surah Waqiah is that it protects from poverty. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that whoever recites this Surah every night will never experience poverty. It is a way to seek financial stability and blessings from Allah.

A Reminder of the Day of Judgment:

Surah Waqiah serves as a powerful reminder of the Day of Judgment. It explains what will happen on that day, how people will be divided into three groups, and what their fate will be based on their actions. This reminder helps us reflect on our deeds and prepare for the afterlife.

Motivation to Do Good Deeds:

By describing the rewards for the righteous (the Foremost and the People of the Right), Surah Waqiah encourages believers to do good deeds. It motivates us to seek Allah’s pleasure and work towards earning a place in Paradise.

A Warning Against Sins:

The Surah also warns about the consequences of rejecting Allah and committing sins. It describes the painful punishment for the disbelievers and wrongdoers (the People of the Left). This serves as a strong warning to avoid sinful behavior and stay on the right path.

Reflection on Allah’s Power:

Surah Waqiah reminds us of Allah’s power and control over everything. It talks about how He creates life, makes plants grow, provides water, and controls fire. This reflection strengthens our faith in Allah and reminds us to be thankful for His blessings.

Brings Blessings and Success:

Reciting Surah Waqiah is believed to bring blessings into one’s life, both spiritually and materially. It is often recited to seek success, prosperity, and peace, making it a powerful part of daily worship.


Surah Waqiah teaches us that the Day of Judgment is real, and everyone will be held accountable for their actions. It divides people into three groups based on their deeds: those who are close to Allah, the ordinary believers, and the disbelievers. The Surah reminds us of Allah’s power in everything around us and the need to be grateful for His blessings. It encourages us to do good deeds, believe in the Hereafter, and avoid sin so that we can be among the people who are rewarded in Paradise.

By reflecting on this Surah, we are reminded to prepare for the afterlife by staying faithful, doing good deeds, and being aware of Allah’s power and mercy in every aspect of our lives.

About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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