Third Kalima/Kalima Tamjeed-Teesra Kalma Benefits

Third Kalima/Kalima Tamjeed-Teesra Kalma Benefits
Third Kalima/Kalima Tamjeed-Teesra Kalma Benefits
Third Kalima/Kalima Tamjeed-Teesra Kalma Benefits

What is Kalima?

The Kalima (or Kalimah) in Islam refers to key declarations of faith. There are six essential Kalimas that summarize core Islamic beliefs, often memorized and recited by Muslims. These Six Kalimas are:

1. Tayyibah – Declaration

2. Shahada – Testimony

3. Tamjeed – Glorification

4. Tauheed – Oneness

5. Astaghfar – Repentance

6. Radd-e-Kufr – Rejection (of disbelief)

Third Kalima/Kalima Tamjeed

سُبْحَان اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُلِلّهِ وَلا إِلهَ إِلّااللّهُ وَاللّهُ أكْبَرُ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيْم

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akbar wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah aliyyal azeem

“Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. There is no might or power except from Allah, the Exalted, the Great One.”

Hadith on the Kalima Tamjeed

Ibn Abi Awfa narrated:

“A man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: ‘I cannot learn anything of the Quran; teach me something that I can say instead of reciting the Quran.’ He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: ‘Say: SubhanAllah, wal-hamdulilah, wa la illaha ill-Allah, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa Billahil-aliy al-azim (Glory be to Allah, praise be to Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Allah, Allah is Most Great, and there is no power and no strength except with Allah the Exalted and Magnificent).’”

(Sunan An-Nasa’i 924)

Abu Musa reported:

“We were with the Prophet (ﷺ) on a journey, and whenever we ascended a high place, we used to say, ‘Allahu Akbar.’ The Prophet (ﷺ) said, ‘Don’t trouble yourselves too much! You are not calling a deaf or an absent person, but you are calling One Who Hears, Sees, and is very near.’ Then he came to me while I was saying in my heart, ‘La hawla wala quwwata illa billah (There is neither might nor power but with Allah).’ He said to me, ‘O Abdullah bin Qais! Say, ‘La hawla wala quwwata illa billah (There is neither might nor power but with Allah),’ for it is one of the treasures of Paradise.’”

(Sahih al-Bukhari 7386)

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Kalima Tamjeed-Teesra Kalma Benefits

Affirming Allah’s Oneness:

Reciting the Third Kalma reinforces the belief in Tawheed, the oneness of Allah, affirming that He alone is worthy of worship.

Acknowledgment of Allah’s Attributes:

It allows Muslims to glorify and admire Allah’s greatness, majesty, and perfection, as emphasized in the Quran.

Spiritual Connection with Allah:

Reciting the Third Kalma sincerely helps believers build a closer spiritual relationship with Allah, strengthening their love and devotion.

Reminder of Gratitude:

The Kalma serves as a way to express gratitude for Allah’s countless blessings and remember His mercy and guidance.

Path to Forgiveness:

Regularly reciting the Third Kalma helps believers ask for Allah’s forgiveness and reinforces their commitment to avoid sin.

Prevention of Polytheism:

It reminds believers to reject Shirk (worshiping others besides Allah) and that only Allah deserves worship and praise.

Mindfulness and Devoutness:

The Kalma encourages mindfulness of Allah in daily life, helping believers stay aware of their actions and maintain a focus on worship.

Peace and Patience:

Reciting the Kalma brings inner peace and patience, reminding the believer of Allah’s promise to support those who are steadfast in their faith.

Regular Recitation:

Muslims often incorporate the Third Kalima into their daily supplications, especially in prayers, as a means of seeking protection and guidance from Allah.

FAQ About the Third Kalima

1. What did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) say about the Teesra Kalma ?

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “The Third Kalma is such a great remedy that it cures every disease, and the least of the diseases it cures is sorrow.”

2. What is the difference between the First and Kalima Tamjeed?

The First Kalma affirms the oneness of Allah (Tawheed), while the Third Kalma praises Allah’s attributes.

3. Which Kalma is recited to seek forgiveness?

The Fifth Kalma (Kalma Astaghfar) is directly related to seeking forgiveness from Allah, though all Kalimas focus on repentance in different ways.

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About Me I am Sameena Mohsin—a proud mother, blogger, nutritionist, and health coach. Being a Muslim, I believe it is my duty to share the beauty of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with authenticity and simplicity. My journey began in 2018, when I started blogging about Islamic topics. Together with my co-mate, Sania Sajid Kazi, we dedicated ourselves to writing content that highlights the Sunnah and is supported by authentic Hadith.

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